Sparky’s First Blog Post – What the hell just happened?

We had to have Sparky’s front right leg amputated due to a bone tumor.  He’d been limping since mid Nov and I thought it was because he slipped going up the stairs.  I took him to one vet and we got some pain meds but then after 2+ weeks I noticed more swelling and he was favoring his right leg more and more.  On Thurs I took him to an animal hospital in Ypsi that specializes in orthopedics (and others).  They took some X-rays and confirmed that he had a tumor that had eaten away a huge section of bone just below the shoulder joint.  So we made the decision then, to amputate, and we just got him home today.
He seems in pretty good spirits considering, and is still pretty groggy.  He’s ambulating way more than I thought possible (although the vet did say he’d pick it up within a few days).
And he definitely doesn’t seem to be in as much pain and that was the main goal.
So 2016 begins with a triumphant move and hope and love and family 🙂

4 thoughts on “Sparky’s First Blog Post – What the hell just happened?”

  1. Hang in there Sparky! It gets better. It sounds like you are a trooper. Cancer sucks but you have found a great and supportive group to support and rally around you. Hang in there and we are here for you!!

  2. , there’s no better place to be for support and first hand information.

    The recovery can be up and down for about two weeks, more or less. Right now its just about potty breaks and rest. Sparky may not feel like eating because of the meds. Drinking is important though.

    Once recovery is over and now that painful leg is gone, you will be soooo glad you made this dece FOR Sparky! You’ve given him more quality time for spoiling and loving and tummy rubs and treats!

    Would love to hear more about Sparky AND see pictures! Just by his name, I know he’s got a lot of spunk!

    Sometimes it takes a few days for the hospital meds to get out of their system andnthen they kind of “crash” for a day or two. Sounds like you’ve got his pain managed, so that’s good.

    Looking forward to more great updates. Stay connected and let us know if we can help in anyway!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. Thanks Sally – Appreciate the words of support and will keep the updates coming. He is a wonderful dog!

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